Gav Lalohem NGO

Gav Lalohem is an organization that helps discharged IDF combat soldiers (men and women) make a smooth and successful transition into civilian life.

It trains the soldiers to acquire meaningful life skills and helps them choose an appropriate career. We run unique and diverse programs that include 21st century studies, mentoring, technological entrepreneurship, targeted accelerators, etc., as well as managing an extensive alumni community and support network.

The NGO grew out of need, from the difficulties discharged soldiers faced the moment they left the army. Gav LaLohem provides a guiding framework, void of vested interests and speaking in the language these young people understand as they seek to navigate their lives. We identified a huge chasm in how society related to – and in the way the authorities addressed – this post-army transitional period. It is important to state that many of these young people (about a third) come from the lower socio- economics levels of society

The NGO's two founders Oria & Itamar became friends during their officer's training.

Oria was an officer in the Nacahl & Itamar in Egoz unit, after their service they both went to study their BA in university (Oria in economics & sociology & Itamar in computer science) they both studied the subject in depth and started the activity in 2020. Now they are both married & fathers to young children and this had become a big project.  They both still lead the organization, still serve al active combat reserve soldiers, as do hslf of the other employees.

The founding process was accompanied by an in-depth research study lasting almost two years, at the end of which we launched two pilot programs, in 2020. Almost five years have passed since then, and although the programs have changed and expanded, our founding principles remain the same:

Our vision is to establish the "Discharge Precipice" as a critical stage in Israeli society, and to determine a clear and organized response for this section of the population. These are young men and women who left normal life after high school and return after three-five years, largely disoriented and detached from non-military society.

Teaching and sharing practical knowledge.

Creating individual programs adapted to each participant.

Building a "peer group" and leveraging the strength of the group to inspire change.

As an organization that sees itself as a potential home for every discharged IDF combat soldier, Gav Lalohem operates all over Israel using process models that enable our participants to gain familiarity with civilian life, with decision-making and with their own innate ability to research, think and choose their life paths from a position of understanding and knowledge.

As an inseparable part of the organization's approach, we believe in removing the obstacles liable to prevent these young men and women from participating in the program. For example, our programs are free, take place in accessible locations and at convenient times, and we are currently working in most areas of the country.

Our First Five

Years of Activity

The activity's growth was impressive: In 2020 we did 2 pilot courses, we doubled the number in 2021 to 4, and did 7 courses in 2022. In 2023 we did 12 courses and by the time the war broke we stopped but about 4 months later, in February 2024 we resumed our work and we opened 12 courses so far with 12 more about to start in the next months which will bring us to the amazing number of 24 courses!

Over the last five years, we have helped thousands of young people, freshly discharged from the IDF, to smoothly move into civilian life, and from an equal starting position as they begin their selected paths. Each one of them was assigned a personal mentor, heard lectures and received counseling from the best professionals in the country, and enjoyed the support and camaraderie of Gav Lalohem's extensive community network.

We are also now recognized as a pedagogic organization and work with dozens of group facilitators, lecturers and content developers. All in addition to our stable organizational management.

We currently work with about 20 local authorities and municipalities – and many hi-tech companies – while continually aiming to preserve these partnerships for many years to come.

Gav Lalohem PRO

a six-month program (one evening a week), in which we build groups of young people in a particular region. Each participant is assigned an appropriate personal mentor, and the group hears lectures and enjoys practical workshops tailored to prepare them for choosing a career, academic studies, personal finances and investments, entrepreneurship, pro-activism, and more.

Gav Lalohem TECH

designed for those interested in hi-tech but not familiar with all the different job options and how to get into the field. The program facilitator is a senior figure in the industry with years of experience. A three-month weekly program.

Gav Lalohem Focused

similar content to PRO, but half the length, for those who prefer a shorter program.

Gav Lalohem MEDIC

a program that helps reduce the time it takes to be accepted to study medicine, with accompaniment along the way.

Since October 7…

The events of Oct. 7 shocked and hurt us all. Alongside our collective pain, we, as an organization serving discharged combat soldiers, had to cope with a reality in which about half of our staff were called up to the reserves, in addition to most of our alumni and participants.

Within a very short time, we understood we had to adapt to the new situation, realizing that many thousands of combat reserves would be 'discharged' again, many after intense fighting on the front lines, and returning to a new reality – whether because of their own war experiences, new insights into life following a long period away from home, etc.

Therefore, we have developed a number of new
programs and processes for the immediate future:

Gav Lalohem for the Wounded

these brave soldiers have had their lives transformed overnight. Some were working and can no longer work in the same place. Some are students who have had their studies curtailed, and some simply feel the physical blow they have suffered has a direct bearing on their future and outlook on life. We are currently developing a focused accompaniment program for the wounded, to help them rehabilitate their personal and professional development.


 a counselling call center for critical reservist and war-related topics: psychological counseling, employment advice, financial guidance, pensions, loans and mortgages, their rights, studies, etc. The call center is open to all those called up to fight in the war. This is a dynamic project and developing as different needs arise.

War Processing Workshops

at the start of each program, each group experiences two days of processing the fighting they've experienced. This takes place under the guidance of a facilitator and a professional psychologist specializing in trauma, post-trauma and processing.

We are well aware of the many diverse needs and we really want to be seen as the address where combat soldiers can receive all the services they need. However, while the war arouses more immediate and urgent needs, we are dealing with those first. We are still moving other projects forward but, naturally, in a slower, more process-oriented manner.

For the past seven months, our employees and volunteers have been working non-stop for these young men and women who have been fighting to protect our home.


Projected participant count for 2024
Projected participant count for 2025
Annual participant cost
$ 0

The Future

After our first five years of activity, accumulated experience and deep understanding of this specialized topic, we know there is still so much more to do.


In a pre-Oct 7 world, we would work with about 15,000 discharged combat soldiers every year, so that at any given time there would be approximately 75,000 young men and women at this stage in their lives.


The nature of needs and responses is very varied and constantly changing, which obligates us to be constantly creating relevant solutions


The need of a national and appropriate solution to the army-civilian life transition stage is undoubtedly one of the most burning issues in Israeli society, yet is not receiving the attention it deserves.

At Gav Lalohem, our vision is to help as many combat soldiers as possible to start their journey as citizens. We aspire to integrate these soldiers in our unique programs, providing them with necessary tools and important life skills. Our goal is to create and preserve a qualified community of ex-combat soldiers, and raise public awareness to the value of human capital in the fields of employment, leadership and social contribution.

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